andy muehlhausen

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Emerging Tech Experience Designer
My mission is to build meaningful human-to-human interactions that push the boundaries of technology.
I design, lead, and implement immersive interactive experiences involving combinations of computers and physical interaction.

Apple, Vision Products Group
AR Experience Prototyper, 2022 - Present
I design interactions for emergent products with full stack consideration.
I serve as Experience DRI for successful interactions and work with EE, PD, and ID to ship.

Meta, Reality Labs Research
Senior Audio Experience Prototyper, 2020 - 2022
Audio Presence and Superhuman Hearing Experience Research

Tobii Eye-Tracking
Mixed Reality Eye-Tracked Interaction Designer, 2018 - 2020
Tobii Interactions Showcase
XR Eye Tracking Dev Tools
Gaze Modifier
Explaining Visual Angles
Explaining Eye Tracking Accuracy

Hardware Prototyper @ Incubation Labs, 2016 - 2018
Audio Experience Prototyper @ HoloLens, 2014 - 2016

HoloLens Beamforming Capture Library
Unity Hooks for HoloLens Beamforming Library
Unity Audio Spatializer Platform
Wwise MS HRTF Plugin

Qualcomm Institute - UCSD Division of Calit2
Research Assistant, 2012 - 2014
MUGIC, Multi-User Graphics with Interactive Control

U.S. Patents
Eye Tracking (through ear canal deformation)
Environmental Condition Based Spatial Audio Presentation
Calibrating a near-eye display
Remote multi-dimensional audio
Synchronized spatial audio presentation
Remembering audio traces of physical actions
Volume adjustment on hinged multi-screen device
Haptics to identify button regions
Composite sound output for network connected devices
Virtual object movement
Context-based discovery of applications
Augmented reality control of computing device
Localizing devices in augmented reality environment
Real-time remodeling of user voice

University of California, San Diego (MFA), Theatre (Sound Design) · (2011 - 2014)
Purdue University (BS), Computer Science; Minors: Theatre, Physics · (2006 - 2010)

Personal Projects
Apple IIe bootable disk for invitation to eggnog party, 2023
SwiftPackageManager-only video game to learn swift, 2022
AR Music Interaction weekend project, 2022
Realtime full duplex wireless comms on ESP32, 2021
Fourth Place of 30 teams, LeetHack Stockholm coding competition, 2020
FingerLeague: phone LAN sport, 2019
Tiny Wifi Arduino w/ power, usb, serial, 2018
Ultra Low-Power E-paper Weather Module, 2018
Sketch-and-Say AI-Assist Drawing, 2017
Waveform Synthesis RGB LED controller, 2017
Haptic Vision-Remapping Gauntlet, 2016
kringla heimsins; collab w/ Joshua Tonies, 2014
HTML5 live-synched audio reactive visualizers, 2014
Sound-Augmented Ping Pong, 2014
55 Player Theatre Video Game, 2014
13' DIY Touchscreen/Projection-Tent Game, 2014
So much music, whole life

Personal Project Videos

Animated GIF Resight Visualization Weather Data Visualization

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